Jesus Christ the Light in Dark spaces


The face of Christ

I lay on my bed, it was about 2 or 3 at night, I was sleeping and fell into a nightmare. In the nightmare I felt real pain, like in the physical world when a person bleeds. I remember the pain was to intense to describe in words. In the dream was a Clock, the clock's inside was a type of bronze or gold, the wheels that is. It turned into more pain as the wheels crushed my body. I woke up and I saw the face of Jesus, his was clothed in a robe. The words came out of hism mouth. His presence was holy and I remember being afraid, ashamed and I also felt a feeling that I don't want to go back to the nightmare. 

His words was: "Jou oupa se gebed is die enigste rede hoekom ek gekom het." It translates to the meaning of: "I only came because your grandfather prayed for you."

I wondered about it for a while and went back to my old ways of sinning. I found that I started believing that it could not be true, like a parting sea, it could be forgotten about. Later I found many trying to adsume that it is another person, even other nightmares tried to drive me away from this nights truth.

Last night I found the same Jesus Christ, but he was kind and friendly, I thank God that he forgave me.


"I pray forgiveness of my sins and grace in the past encounter with the Occult and the one world order of the world. I ask that my sins don't infect others and my wrong interpretations and thought patterns or rather ignoarance don't cause others to fall into this nightmare, I also than You for the revelation on Sid Roth's show that reveals that other have seen this nightmare. I am confused in all this God but I pray for faith in your love rather than condemnation., In Jesus Christ name Amen."





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