The seed of Satan
The seed is inside the mind
It feeds the human ideas that seems like it comes from God, the ideas relate to the system or the business world, maybe to the spirit behind every marketing strategy, the organised crime of daily activities in the world. The one world order has the problem of Satan. Satan rules the world in our time.When I went to the bank, I saw the tree again, it is just another tree, but expressed as the tree that was not there before. The bank is the actual tree that was not there before. It is the piggy bank philosophy, a system to take money from everyone that is registered to buy and sell. A barcode or chip in the arm of every human being.
How to get out of Satanism when the whole world belongs to him? Even the occult is just the same as my blog, it is just another place where Satan wants to murder us Christians. I'm Rian Coetzee this is my blog, who has a problem with my blog about Christianity?
When I was baptised I felt my childhood being reborn into my soul, yes I still struggled with sin, I am not afraid of the Satan, but I know that I, Rian is not Satan. My Grampa spoke to me too, he is in Heaven.
I watched a video of IngitedforChrist and saw that many struggle with the one world order and the effects of the Freemasons in the world. Apparently they rule India too, also Islam and they are in Christianity as well as Judaism and definitely Paganism too.
"Ek bid dat my musiek genees dan as ek nie kan nie, of ten munste dat ek my vers van Jesus af in elke mens duidelikker maak, in die waarheid van Jesus se egte krag toe hy op die aarde was het hy die sterre rond geskuif, sekerlik kan dit baie maklik wees om my musiek te gebruik vir sy liefde eerder as om my te spot. Ek is lief vir mense wat Christus soek en hoop dat die Occult se verlore skape dan deur iemand anders gered word, meeste vergeet seker die krag van bose en dan sit ons met nog soldate aan die ander kant. Amen"
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